IP Technology Labs

Connecting the Unconnected Securely™

Ethernet Extender & LAN over any Internet

Transparently extend your Ethernet LAN to any computer or network device.  Operate without any changes to applications or network addressing for your applications over any Internet

MultiSite Remote Access Tunneling & VPN

Easily connect, secure, & access any remote network device, IP cameras, Access control, IoT & Applications anywhere without Peer-to-Peer or Relay Servers (Even with DHCP/Dynamic IP)


Cloud & Datacenter Secure Remote Access

Connect your physical devices to your virtual applications seamlessly while securing connectivity end-to-end.  Use AWS, Azure, Xen, VMware, Hyper-V without consumption based usage

Failover & Redundancy for any Network Link

Fast & tunable automatic failover protection for any IP/WAN link with Cellular/LTE or multiple Internet connections. Eliminate any Single Point of Failure

We Make it Easy to Connect your Network Devices Anywhere
The World’s Longest Ethernet Cable™

IpTL appliances provide Easy, Seamless, Stable, & Secure remote access connectivity while eliminating cyber threats from spoofing, snooping, & backdoors for any IoT/OT device, application, or network.

We offer appliances single-tunnel remotes to 1,000 of virtual connections. Supports any wired or Wi-Fi Ethernet, Cellular LTE or Satellite connections, Private IP, and DHCP IP networks.

Learn more about Why IpTL here.

See our online IP Camera/CCTV Application guide here.

Easiest VPN Tunneling
Zero configuration Bridged Tunnels; Unblocked through Firewall/NATs; No port forwards on remotes; built-in obfuscation features for blocked networks

Superior Connectivity
Transparent end-to-end data. Install behind a NAT/Firewall.   Your devices see a clean network pipe.

Highest Availability
Failover, Redundancy standard. Eliminate any single point of failure with resilience integrated

Best Management
Full-touch Out-of-Band Access through our ViewPoint™ portal; no truck rolls & quick support

Highest Security
X.509 Certificates with Mutal Authentication, Dynamic Keys – No Preshared Encryption Keys, & Device 2-Factor Clientless Access Control

Best Privacy
AES256 encryption standard; Not a P2P or Relay Service – Your data is on your network only

Dynamic IP Tunnel/VPN over any Internet, including Cellular, Satellite, & Private IP networks

Reliably connect through firewalls & filters; Data is always between YOUR endpoints – not a Platform cloud or P2P

Ethernet Bridging over the Internet connects to your LAN for a true in-the-office-on-the-network experience – no security holes, no reconfiguration of your network

Multisite Routed Networks scale and integrate your sites using your network plan with complete privacy and reliability

Failover & Redundant multipath connectivity and bonding standard

Protect your device & network with SuperNAC™ & SecureSwitch™ and know your device’s identity

Strong security X.509 Certs/AES256, Dynamic Keying with full Remote Manageability

IP Technology Labs