…Your device is easy and great to work with.

Connecting the Unconnected Securely™
We Make it Easy to Connect your Network Devices Anywhere
The World’s Longest Ethernet Cable™
IpTL appliances provide Easy, Seamless, Stable, & Secure remote access connectivity while eliminating cyber threats from spoofing, snooping, & backdoors for any IoT/OT device, application, or network.
We offer appliances single-tunnel remotes to 1,000 of virtual connections. Supports any wired or Wi-Fi Ethernet, Cellular LTE or Satellite connections, Private IP, and DHCP IP networks.
Easiest VPN Tunneling
Zero configuration Bridged Tunnels; Unblocked through Firewall/NATs; No port forwards on remotes; built-in obfuscation features for blocked networks
Superior Connectivity
Transparent end-to-end data. Install behind a NAT/Firewall. Your devices see a clean network pipe.
Highest Availability
Failover, Redundancy standard. Eliminate any single point of failure with resilience integrated
Best Management
Full-touch Out-of-Band Access through our ViewPoint™ portal; no truck rolls & quick support
Highest Security
X.509 Certificates with Mutal Authentication, Dynamic Keys – No Preshared Encryption Keys, & Device 2-Factor Clientless Access Control
Best Privacy
AES256 encryption standard; Not a P2P or Relay Service – Your data is on your network only
Dynamic IP Tunnel/VPN over any Internet, including Cellular, Satellite, & Private IP networks
Reliably connect through firewalls & filters; Data is always between YOUR endpoints – not a Platform cloud or P2P
Ethernet Bridging over the Internet connects to your LAN for a true in-the-office-on-the-network experience – no security holes, no reconfiguration of your network
Multisite Routed Networks scale and integrate your sites using your network plan with complete privacy and reliability
Failover & Redundant multipath connectivity and bonding standard
Protect your device & network with SuperNAC™ & SecureSwitch™ and know your device’s identity
Strong security X.509 Certs/AES256, Dynamic Keying with full Remote Manageability
…Your device is easy and great to work with.
having removed two sonic walls an 8 port switch and a lynksys router and an MPLS gateway what will remain is a simple 24 port switch and a fast lane 75 – Sweet
You really have great product we’ll promote it with full confidence!
Team IPTL have fantastic support. We again appreciate you.
Saved the Day– Your redundancy kicked-in twice when I was on holiday.
Excellent product at a very attractive price level.
Very Clever! …the system worked without any glitches.
Tunnel is solid! no issues at all.
I just want to say “THANK YOU”. Today I ran over 30 concurrent calls over tunnel and it worked perfect without any lag and issue.